Annual Reports are due to LMA each Fall, usually in September, to allow for approved schools to be notified prior to submitting their LDOE reporting. The due date will be announced to member schools via email.
Below are links to the Report Form and to download the forms necessary to complete your report.

Annual School Report
(Google Form)

Student Body Breakdown
(PDF form)

Faculty Breakdown
(PDF form)

Reporting for
Schools seeking approval from the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) must complete the Nonpublic School Approval process. Once approved, nonpublic schools must also complete an annual data submission in the fall of each year.
Below are links to assist with submitting data for state approval.

LMA's membership year runs from
April 1 - March 31. Membership dues must be paid by April 10 of each year and are determined by the size of a school's student body.
Please complete the form below to calculate your school's dues. You may mail the form with a check or email it to the LMA Treasurer and submit your payment via PayPal.
NOTE: Please include your school's name in the memo section if you opt to use Paypal.

All member schools must undergo an LMA visitation at least once every five (5) years in accordance with certification standards.
In addition to the five-year cycle, a visitation must be completed upon the addition of a new program or new facility to a member school.
Visitation Guidelines:
What to expect
The visitation committee will be observing your classrooms for required Montessori materials and the appropriateness of the physical environment. Your administrative files will also be assessed for required documentation. Checklists for administrative records and materials at each program level can be found HERE.
What to prepare
Visitation fee of $75, made out to Louisiana Montessori Association
Mileage payment – You will be notified of the amount and who is payable prior to your visit.
After the visit
You will receive a letter from the visitation team detailing the assessment of your visit and indicating any necessary changes or improvements to maintain approval status. If all is in order, your next site visit will be scheduled for five years from the current school year.